Popular articles by Gerwin Co
Green City Goals: 8 Reasons Why Copenhagen Is The World’s Greenest City
Can NFTs Actually Save The Planet?
In the face of climate change, people are coming up with more and more unique ways fight it – from more simple ways such as reducing plastics, taking public transportation and planting more trees to creating NFTs that can help save the planet.
Impact Kommons: Asia’s First UNSDG accelerator
Impact Kommons is the first accelerator of its kind in Asia that works with tech startups on solutions that fulfil the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
How Sustainable Are NFTs, Exactly?
But while NFTs may be the future of art curation, they may not be as sustainable as they seem, despite their digital nature. Find out more about NFTs and sustainability.
8Shades’ Gift Guide: Eco-Friendly Tech Gifts
Tech is supposed to be a force for good and it is essential in our day to day life. Here’s a list of tech gifts that will further improve your family and friend’s carbon footprint