Article Archives


Fashion Faux Pas 101


Fast fashion is a relatively novel concept to humankind; generations before us searched far and wide for unique pieces boasting opulent fabrics that were guaranteed to stand the test of time. Today, the fashion industry is fundamentally split into two: designer versus high street. And while the former is certainly no angel, the sheer pace […]


Bottled up


In the plight against plastics and working towards a sustainable lifestyle, one of the OG poster children has been the humble water bottle. What started off as nothing more than a workhorse, has now morphed into a fashion statement, so say goodbye to the stagnant Nalgenes of your youth and S’wells of the early 2010s, and […]


The Power of Your Dollar


Let’s not kid ourselves– are we ever going to stop shopping?  As sustainable as I try to be, social media can be controlling; tempting me and taunting me daily.   But as I became more conscious of my personal sustainability impact, I try to fight that urge.  I take a deep breath and I tell […]


8 Steps - call of action


Sustainability is about taking small steps in the right direction because little keys unlock big doors. Here are 8 Shades suggested 8 beginners steps for starting to build a sustainable lifestyle.


Grow Your Own Way


Gardening isn’t just for those with access to outdoor space; indeed, as urban dwellers, we need to find nifty ways to make use of our more compact, mostly indoor spaces. Not only is it utterly satisfying to unearth your green fingers – pun intended – but it can also vastly improve your day-to-day life and […]


Green washing


If this is the first time you hear this word – Greenwashing.  This is what it means.  Typically, cultural movements ebb and flow and likewise, trends come and go. But as we have experienced our climate self-destruct before our eyes, our short and long-term commitments have transformed. Sustainability is not just as a fun fad, […]


The Responsible Alcoholic


Once in a while I do enjoy a fun night out… especially a girls night out when you can really let loose. I have been thinking for a while now about how I can be more sustainable in my habits, which include my regular social activities.  To be honest, drinking is definitely one of my […]


The Truth About... Fast Fashion


We often hear about how our food habits, disposable plastic use, and flying overseas hurt the environment. Glaringly absent from this narrative is the impact of our fashion choices. Did you know that the fashion industry produces 10% of all of humanity’s carbon emissions and is the second-largest consumer of the world’s water supply? Fast […]


8 Steps to Easy Sprouting


Sprouting is a fun and easy activity that you can do with kids at home, especially during the cold winter months.  While growing healthy and nutritious sprouts you can be learning along with your kids.  Get a large clear jar and some cotton or cheese cloth or muslin and hold it in place with a […]


Clean Cut


We are all well-versed on why we should favour cleaner skincare, but with so much on the market, how do we decipher what’s the correct approach? For starters, we need to differentiate between “organic” and “natural”, two words often used in tandem, and become adept at reading labels, which according to the law, are required to state […]


Plastic: Not So Fantastic


For a city so incredibly desperate to appear cutting-edge in every area, Hong Kong seriously lags in the eco race, most glaringly when it comes to the role plastic plays in daily life. Research shows that a plastic bag takes anywhere between 10 and 1,000 years to decompose naturally and a water bottle 45 years, […]

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